Table of Contents
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 Finding Your Way Around!

A.  Forward:   Maynard Lake and the Commons Areas belong to the Maynard Lake Homeowners Association and not to the individual lot owners. Regulations concerning the use of the Lake and Commons Areas shall be made and enforced by the Board of Directors for the Association. The following regulations have been designed to consider and protect the varied interests and rights of all lot owners. If an individual lot owner disagrees with a specific regulations, he should bring the regulations to the attention of the Board for review.

    Occasionally, this and other parts of this site refer to parts of the Illinois Compiled Statues, which is the collection of laws that govern all areas of regulation in Illinois.  The statute most relevant to maintenance of swimming facilities (like our lake) is 210 ILCS 125.  To correctly parse this citation, just remember that the order, with a progressively narrower focus, is ILCS - 210 - 125.  For those interested, as I'd guess most residents of Illinois would be, here are a few links in the current topic, as well as all of the others:

Part of Citation
General Description
ILlinois Complied Statutes - the entire set of laws governing things within the State of Illinois; the Illinois General Assembly.  The sections into which the IL are initially divided are "Chapters"
The title of this chapter is "Illinois Chapter 210 - Health Facilities".
This subsection (125) of Chapter 210 is called the "Swimming Facilities Act".

B. General Regulations:

  1. All Maynard Lake property owners shall be responsible for maintaining their lake frontage, as well as their lots, in a clean and safe condition.
  2. All property owners will ascertain that no trash of any variety be thrown into the lake.
  3. As per the covenants in the deeds for all lots, no overnight camping is permitted on any lot.
  4. No firearms of any kind may be used on or around the lake.
  5. All property owners shall comply with State of Illinois regulations with respect to fireworks.

C. Commons Areas Regulations:

  1. No vehicles are permitted on the commons except for maintenance.
  2. Lot owners whose lots do not front the lake shall have access to the lake via the commons.
  3. No boat mooring is permitted on the commons overnight.
  4. No activities are permitted on the commons between 10:00 P.M. and dawn except by special permission of the Board of Directors.
  5. Those using the Commons Areas are responsible for keeping them free of debris and trash.
  6. No open fires are permitted on the Commons Areas.
  7. Children on the Commons Areas must be under the supervision of an adult.
  8. No fireworks are permitted on the Commons Areas.
  9. The Commons Island is a wildlife sanctuary and is not to be visited by members or guests except with authority granted by the Board of Directors.

D. Guest Regulations: Unaccompanied guests create the greatest difficulties for those who try to enforce the rules. The following rules have been designed as a practical way to keep the lake closed to the general public, and to maintain privacy for lot owners and residents.

  1. Maynard Lake facilities are reserved for home and lot owners only. Any extension of privileges to others is not permitted except as listed below.
  2. Guests are welcome, but only when the property owner is present.
  3. Owners are responsible to see that their guests are familiar with and obey the specific regulations.
  4. The Association reserves the right to request the guests of any owner to leave the lake and commons areas, in case of abuse of privileges or violation of the rules.
  5. If guests make use of commons areas they must be accompanied by a member of the host's immediate family.
  6. Any group of guests larger than twenty must have prior Board approval for use of the commons. The Board requires a two week notice comprising a written request describing the activity, with a written response of the Board.

E. Swimming Regulations:

  1. No children under the age of 17 may use the beach area unless accompanied by an adult.
  2. Lifeguards are not posted. Swimming is at the risk of the property owner.
  3. No floats or rafts, for use as diving platforms, will be permitted on the lake, except as located and provided by the Homeowners Association, or as otherwise decided by the Board of Directors.
  4. All swimmers may share the rafts in the lake. They should not move the rafts or alter them in any way. Diving from rafts is not permitted.
  5. Swimming guests should enter and leave the lake from their host's property.
  6. Swimming guests, when using the Commons Areas, should be accompanied by a member of their host family.
  7. Hosts of swimming guests are responsible for appraising whether their guests have the swimming skills needed to utilize the rafts or to use the water away from the host's immediate frontage water line.
  8. In accordance with Illinois State Beach Regulations, swimming alone is not permitted.

F. Boating Regulations:

  1. Boat mooring at the lake is restricted to lots of the resident owners. No boat may be moored at a lot which does not have a residence, except by special permission of the Board.
  2. Only boats belonging to property owners are permitted on the lake. Temporary exceptions to this rule of ownership may be permitted if the property owner accompanies the boat.
  3. State law requires that life jackets or approved seat cushions for each passenger be present in the boat.
  4. Not more than two boats may be moored or placed along the shoreline at any lot.
  5. No motors of any type are permitted on boats.

G. Fishing Regulations: The following rules were formulated to keep a balanced population of fish in Maynard Lake. The available literature and advice from professionals indicate that the most common cause of poor fishing in a small lake such as ours is overpopulation of bluegills. This usually results from preferential fishing of bass. To keep a healthy population balance they recommend that we catch all the bluegills we can but go sparingly on the bass.

Present fishing tendencies at Maynard Lake indicate that we are headed for serious trouble in maintaining a balanced fish population. Too many people are excited about harvesting bass, regardless of their size. This excitement is particularly noticeable in the harvesting tendencies of guests, who, indeed, have no concern for the future of the lake. Also, guests often are not interested in maintaining an equivalent harvest of bluegills and bullheads. Recommendations are to harvest seven (7) pounds of bluegill for every one (1) pound of bass harvested.

  1. The minimum size limit for a "keeper" bass is 15 inches.
  2. Bass smaller than this should be returned to the lake carefully and immediately. They should not be placed on a stringer and released later.
  3. The daily limit of "keeper" bass is two bass per lot owner-family regardless of the number of family and guest fishing.
  4. Only artificial lures and natural bait, such as worms and insects, may be used for bait. Specifically, minnows are not permitted because of the danger of introducing undesirable species into the lake. (Any variety of goldfish is undesirable.)
  5. All Northern Pike should be released.
  6. All bluegills and bullheads caught should not be returned to the lake.
  7. Fishing guests are permitted only when a member of the lot owners family is present. They must fish from their host's property or, if fishing from the commons areas or from a boat, they must be accompanied by a member of the lot owner's immediate family.
  8. Lot owners are responsible to see that guests are familiar with and obey the rules and regulations.

Note: We have a pictorial guide to the fish that are undesirable in a lake; please consult this if you're unsure of a fish's species.

H. Regulations concerning Docks:

  1. Homeowners who plan docks at their property must have prior approval of the Landscape Committee of the Homeowners Association.
  2. In general, such facilities must be appropriate to the appearance of the lake frontage. Structures shall parallel the shoreline and not project into the lake. Generally, the dock must be restricted in length to that of the boat and not more than 20 feet.

I. Ice skating Regulations:
  1. Only if the green flag is displayed at Kaufmann Lake should a property owner or guest attempt ice skating on Maynard Lake. Even then, great caution should be exercised.
  2. Guests must be accompanied by a member of the property owner's family at all times.
  3. Ice skating alone is dangerous and is not permitted.

J. Enforcement of Regulations:

  1. All property owners are encouraged to enforce the above rules, including prohibition of trespass.
Copyright © Maynard Lake Homeowners Association
Last Modified: