Yard Waste Pickup A Big Success!!

To the Members of the Maynard Lake Homeowners Association:

On November 23 we had our first leaf/brush pickup day with the service provided by the Champaign Township and funded by the MLHA. I wish to report it was a very successful day. Out of 117 homeowners 70 homes participated. I happened to drive through part of the subdivision  the Sunday before and noted homes had from 1 to maybe 50 bags ready for pickup. In addition, the Schroeder's included, several took advantage of the brush pickup and spent the beautiful weekend trimming some of the trees and shrubs on the property. Based upon comments from the Township we had a budget amount set aside for 75 homes and looks like we hit the target the first year. If you still have some brush to be removed you can take it to the Champaign Township yard area located at 3900 Kearns Drive (across from the Marathon Bulk Plant on Staley Road) from about 8 AM to 2 PM daily. There is a pile in the back part of their yard where you can deposit the brush. Remember, brush must be under 4" in diameter.

The Township will charge us $7.50 per lot for the pickup. The cost of the pickup was paid for by the MLHA as part of your annual assessment so if you had a lot of bags count up your savings. We will plan on doing this again next fall and we may consider a spring pickup in the future.

Rick Schroeder
and the MLHA Board